Conference Program

Wednesday, October 23


Polish Institute

15 Nagymező Street, Budapest


17:00 Welcome address

Pál Fodor (Director General, RCH, HAS)

Rafał Rogulski (Director, ENRS Secretariat)

Katarzyna Sitko (Director, Polish Institute)

17:30 Round table: “What Memory? Whose Memory?” Memory of Everyday Collaboration with the Communist Regimes in Poland and Hungary

Moderator: Eric Beckett Weaver

18:30 Film Screening (in Polish with English subtitles), "Różyczka" ("Little Rose")

20:30 Welcome reception at the Polish Institute in Budapest


Thursday, October 24

Conference Venue: Institute of History, RCH, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Council Room (Tanácsterem)

 53 Úri Street,  Budapest


9:30 Panel I Chair: Sándor Horváth (Budapest)

Secret Files, Secret Memories. Reopening Secrets and Prospects for Research

- Florin Abraham (Bucharest, National School for Political Studies and Public Administration, Romanian Academy), To Collaborate and to Punish. Democracy and Transitional Justice in Romania

- Barbara Klich-Kluczewska (Krakow, Jagiellonian University), The Discourse on Polish Post-War Society by the Institute of Polish Remembrance

- Tamara Pavasovic Trost (University of Graz), Reopening Secrets from the Communist Past: Transformations of Narratives of Collaboration in Former Yugoslavia


11:00 Coffee Break


11:30 Panel II

Chair: Paweł Sowiński (Warsaw)

National Remembrance and Collaboration

- Martin Kovanič (Bratislava, Comenius University), Institutes of Memory in the Slovak and Czech Republics – What Kind of Memory?

- Barash Raisa (Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences), Challenging the Way of the Russian Collective Memory – a Shaky Balance Between Fame and the Shame

- Krzysztof Brzechczyn (Poznań Branch of Institute of National Remembrance/ Department of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University), The Problem of the Reliability of “Files” concerning Collaboration with Security Service (SB) in Poland


13:00 Lunch Break


14:30 Panel III

Chair: Marína Zavacká (Bratislava)

Public Debates, Public History and Collaboration

- Karina Hoření (Brno, Masaryk University)

Disputes regarding the Institute of Study of Totalitarian Regimes as an Example of the Politicization of the Memory of Communism

- Ferenc Hammer (Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University)

Imagined Secrets, Invisible Service

- Marta Kurkowska-Budzan (Krakow, Jagiellonian University)

“The Doomed Soldiers”. The Institute of National Remembrance and the Symbolic Transformation in Poland


16:00 Coffee Break


16:30 Panel IV

Chair: Stefano Bottoni (Budapest)

Visual Representations

- Caterina Preda (Bucharest, University of Bucharest)

Artistic Forms of Collaboration with[in] the Communist Regime in Romania

- János Berta (University of Pécs)

Is this the Life of an Agent? A Unique Reconstruction of Secret Service Operations in Gábor Zsigmond Papp’s Documentary


18:30 Reception with Buffet Dinner


Friday, 25 October


9:00 Panel V

Chair: Florin Abraham (Bucharest)

Knowledge of the Devil. Intellectuals and Collaboration

- Gabriel Andreescu (Bucharest, National School for Political Studies and Public Administration)

"Resistance through Culture" or "Connivance through Culture." Difficulties of Interpretation; Nuances, Errors, and Manipulations

- Matěj Spurný (Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Intellectuals Between Collaboration and Independence. Politics and Everyday Life in the Prague Faculty of Arts in Late Socialism

- Josip Mihaljević (Zagreb, Croatian Institute of History)

Tito and Intellectuals - Collaboration and Support. 1945-1980

- Fedor Blaščák (Bratislava, Memory Kontrol)

Marxism – Leninism, Really? An Oral History of Three Academic Communities

11:00 Coffee Break


11:30 Panel VI

Chair: Péter Apor (Budapest)

Party Membership and Collaboration

- Marína Zavacká (Bratislava, Slovak Academy of Sciences)

Finding the Ways (around). Regional-level Party Activists

- Tamás Kende (Budapest Eötvös Loránd University)

”But Who is the Party?“ History and Historiography

- Dobrochna Kałwa (University of Warsaw)

In Search of New Meanings: Autobiographical Strategies of Local Party-Members in Poland


13:00 Lunch Break


14:30 Panel VII

Chair: Miklós Mitrovits (Budapest)

Professions, Social Groups, Everyday Experiences

- Pavla Francová (Charles University in Prague)

The Role of Newspapers in Everyday Collaboration with the Communist Regimes

- Agáta Drelová (University of Exeter)

Forgetting “Judas.” Priest Collaboration in Slovak Catholic Memory after 1989

 - Paweł Sowiński (Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences)

Spy in the Underground. Polish Samizdat Stories


16:00 Coffee Break


16:30 Panel VIII

Chair: Tamara Pavasovic Trost (Graz)

Remembrance and Collaboration

- Ieva Zake (Rowan University, New Jersey)

The Exempt Nation: Memory of Collaborationism in Contemporary Latvia

- Krisztina Slachta (University of Pécs)

Informing as Life-Style. Unofficial Collaborators (IM’s) of the Hungarian and the East-German State Security Working in the Tourism Sector


Saturday, October 26

9:30 Panel IX

Chair: Ieva Zake (Rowan University, US)

Life Stories, Personal Memories

- Marie Černá (Prague, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Remembering Soviet Army Occupation. Czechoslovakia 1968-1991

- Zoltán Novak (Targu Mures, Gheorghe Sincai Institute for Social Studies and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy)

We Serve and Collaborate. Church and State in Romania: the Géza Pálfi Files

- Stefano Bottoni (Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

To Survive and To Collaborate. Imre Mikó, a Transylvanian Intellectual


11:00 Final Discussion