Ferenc Hammer

Ferenc Hammer

Ferenc Hammer is an Assistant Professor at the Media and Communication Department at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest. He holds a Ph.D. in sociology (2005) and a habilitation in history (2011). He teaches and conducts research in media studies and cultural history courses.  He teaches at the Doctoral Programme in Film, Media and Contemporary Culture, a new centre of research in contemporary culture at ELTE University. As a selected sample from his academic and professional background, in 2006 he was a research fellow at Birkbeck College in the Cultures of Consumption Programme, funded jointly by the Economic and Social Research Council and Arts and Humanities Research Council. In 2004 coauthored with E. Dányi and M. Sükösd COST A30: East of West: Setting a New Central and Eastern European Media Research Agenda‘, a 4-year international media research cooperation program, funded by the European Research Foundation, 2005-2009. Some of his most recent main publications include ‘Coy Utopia: Politics in the First Hungarian TV Soap‘ In Anikó Imre, Timothy Havens, Kati Lustyik eds., Popular Television in Eastern Europe During and Since Socialism. New York: Routledge, 2012; Entry ‘Jeans‘ in the three-volume Encyclopaedia of Consumer Culture, Dale Southerton ed London: SAGE Inc. 2011; ‘Magyar Denim. Metamorphoses in the clothing factory.’ Denim: Unravelling Contradictions’ special edition of Textile: the journal of cloth and culture (Oxford: Berg) June 2011; and a forthcoming volume in Hungarian: ‘..and we didn’t need to iron a crease to our jeans‘ leg.’ Everyday Life in Socialist Hungary. Budapest: Néprajzi Múzeum, these works cover topics of material culture, historical anthropology, and media history.