Marína Zavacká is a research fellow at the Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (PhD 1999; Slovak Academy of Sciences).
Her main field of study is social history of the 20th century, especially the history of propaganda and the history of building regime loyalties.
Her archival research is oriented primarily towards periods of war-time and Communist regimes on the territory of Slovakia, where she traces the ways of adoption, transformation and perception of information (e.g. internal propagandist messages, rumours, foreign broadcasts etc.), entering the public space via different political institutions and media, and official as well as grass-root social sanctioning of (whether changing or proliferating) patterns of model behaviour, influenced by external political environment.
Selected bibliography:
Zavacká, Marína: Kto žije za ostnatým drôtom? Oficiálna zahraničnopolitická propaganda na Slovensku – 1956_62: Teórie, politické smernice a spoločenská prax. [Who lives behind the barbed wire? The official propaganda on foreign policy in Slovakia 1956-62: theories, political instructions and social practices.] Bratislava 2005.
Zavacká, Marína: Crossing sisters: patterns of protest in the journal of the Catholic Union of Slovak Women during the Second World War. In Social History, 2012, vol.37 no. 4, p. 425-451.
Zavacká, Marína: Premaľovať!: režimový obraz Bratislavy na prelome štyridsiatych a päťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia. [Repaint it! the regime image of Bratislava in 1940s/1950s] In Dudeková, Gabriela et al. Medzi provinciou a metropolou: obraz Bratislavy v 19. a 20. storočí. - Bratislava : Historický ústav SAV, 2012, s. 190-205.
Zavacká, Marína: Freund oder Feind ? Der loyale junge tschechoslowakische Bürger und "der Deutsche" in den Jahren 1948-1956. In Loyalitäten im Staatssozialismus. DDR, Tschechoslowakei, Polen : Tagungen zur Ostmitteleuropa- Forschung. - Marburg : Verlag Herder- Institut, 2010, p. 134-159.