Matěj Spurný

Matěj Spurný

Matěj Spurný, PhD, is a historian, research fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague and lecturer at the Charles University. Since the late 1990s, he has been focusing on the trouble caused by modern nationalism in Central Europe, especially in the tragic ending of Czech-German coexistence in the Czech borderlands. As a member of the civic association Antikomplex, he collaborated on the book “The lost Sudetenland” and edited two other books about the Czech borderlands after World War II. He also collaborates in a research concerning the Communist Party politics at the Prague Faculty of Arts in the “normalisation” period (1969-1989). His main publications include a book about population movements in northern Bohemia, Silesia and Saxonia after World War II (Flucht und Vertreibung: Das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Niederschlesien, Sachsen und Nordböhmen, Dresden 2008) a book about the democratic publicist in the last years of the Weimar republic (Bijeme na poplach, Praha 2009) and his dissertation about Minorities in the 1950s Czechoslovakia (Nejsou jako my. Česká společnost a menšiny v pohraničí, 1945-60).  

Selected publcations:

-Nejsou jako my. Česká společnost a menšiny v pohraničí (1945-1960). [They are not as Us. Czech Society and the Minorities (1945-1960)] Praha 2011.

- Bijeme na poplach! Německá publicistika proti nacistickému nebezpečí (1930-1933) [German Journalism against the Nazi Threat (1930-1933)]. Praha 2009.

- Flucht und Vertreibung. Das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Sachsen, Niederschlesien und Nordböhmen [Flight and Expulsion. The End of WWII in Saxony, Lower Silesia and Northern Bohemia]. Dresden 2008. (2. ed. 2011)

- Political Authority & Popular Opinion: Czechoslovakia's German Minority 1945-1960. Social History 37 (2012) : 452-476

- Frères slaves ou elements non fiables? Les réémigrants dans la Tchécoslovaquie d´aprés-guerre (1945-1955). Cahiers du Cefres, N. 32/2012 (Individus sous contrôle), 15-57.