Zoltán Novák

Zoltán Novák

Zoltán Novák, PhD, is a historian, senior research fellow at the Gheorghe Sincai Institute for Social Studies and the Humanities of the Romanian Academy in Târgu Mureş. His research interests include political, social and cultural history of the 20th century, especially the communist period (1945-1989): minorities, elites, change of communist system, everyday life, social identities, social policy and collaboration. Currently, he is working on the topic of collaboration in the communist period and the Romanian revolution of 1989 and the minorities. His latest publication on collaboration includes a book on a life in the documents of the Securitate (Az elnémult harang. Egy megfigyelés története. Pálfi Géza élete a Securitate irataiban. Pro Print Könyvkiadó, Csíkszereda, 2011), and minorities under communism (In the Eastern European Single-Party States 1948-1989, The Models for Communist Minority Policy. In: Minority Hungarian Communities in the Twentieth Century. Edited by: Nándor Bárdi, Csilla Fedinec, László Szarka. Columbia University Press, New York, 2011).